

A pulley is a wheel that carries a flexible rope, cord, cable, chain, or belt on its rim.

Pulleys are used singly or in combination to transmit energy and motion.
6 products found
Product ID Description
CRPAD25NP 25 Sheave Awning Pulley Nickel Plated Double Padnp25 *Nett*
CRPAD50NP 50 Sheave Awning Pulley Nickel Plated Double Padnp50 *Nett*
CRPAS25NP 25 Sheave Awning Pulley Nickel Plated Single Pasnp25 *Nett*
CRPAS50NP 50 Sheave Awning Pulley Nickel Plated Single Pasnp50 *Nett*
TLHOBHPULLEY40S 40mm Pulley Block With Swivel Eye Galv Hpulley40S *Nett*
TLHOBHPULLEY65S 65mm Pulley Block With Swivel Eye Galv Hpulley65S *Nett*
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